Put me in, Coach.

God doesn't keep anyone on the sidelines. Each of us has something amazing to contribute, and we're all invited into a life of action. Serving is one of the best ways to turn your faith into a verb.

Interested In Serving, But Not Sure Where

Serving is a great next step in how you can jump all in! If you don't quite know where you want to serve, fill out the information and we'll help you find the team that's right for you!

College Ministry

After high school, life is full of transitions and changes. We want to rally around college-age people as they go away for school, pursue careers, and begin their adult lives. Jump into college-age ministry and be a part of supporting people as they figure out what their faith means for their lives.

Community Outreach

FCC's outreach ministry approach is based on partnerships. We look for ways to come alongside and empower mission-driven organizations who are positioned to do good locally, nationally and globally. Our role may look small, but it's incredibly important and it might not be possible without you.


The Connections Team truly believes that, and we're passionate about empowering others to step off the sidelines and let God do amazing things in their lives. Whether it's joining a group, a serving team, or attending an event, we help people take a next step into the vibrant life God has in store for them.

Creative Team

The Creative Team blends artistic skill with a deep understanding of the church's mission to help convey the church in innovative and impactful ways. They aim to inspire and connect with congregants through design, photography and more. 

FCC Kids

Through classes, worship services, and special events, we partner with families to engage the next generation of God's people, teaching them to know God and live out His great love for them. We need amazing people to help make that happen!

Student Ministry

Being a student ministry volunteer is a chance to affirm students when they need it the most. Through small groups, worship experiences, and special events, we get to pave the way for their personal journey and help mobilize them for Kingdom mission. 


The welcome team is all about first impressions, and we're the first line of defense against a bad one. We make sure anyone attending FCC feels truly seen, heard, and wanted as we meet them with hospitality and love every step of the way. 

Worship Arts

Worship is a lifestyle. It's something that we express in everything we do. But we think God especially loves when we worship through music. It has power, and we think doing it with excellence helps create an atmosphere of praise that spurs people toward an encounter with Jesus. Whether we have a microphone or a drumstick in our hands, it's an expression of open-handed surrender that we believe leads others into the presence of God.

Worship Production

We come from all backgrounds of creative and technical expertise from live sound and graphics to cameras and lighting. We get to push lots of buttons and use plenty of cool toys, but our true measure of success is when people don't notice any of it. When we're good at what we do, our tools fall into the background and worship becomes front and center.